Advice and Tip Books , Special Occasion Ideas

Bartending for Beginners

by Bruno Gordon

Bartending goes way back and it began as a trade conducted by people who produced liquor and sold it to the folks. It turned out that there was a lot of money in this. The fact that there is a lot of money in this indicates that there will always be an opportunity for someone who knows how to tend to the bars. It also helps that there is a lot of fun to be had in this profession of bartending. Whether you just want to impress your friends or family or go into bartending as your career, you want to go in with the proper knowledge either way since the quality of the bartending can make or break the party.

Advice and Tip Books

The Orange Cookbook

Believe it or not, there are many different meals you can make out of oranges. In The Orange Cookbook, you’ll learn 692 yummy orange recipes for all tastes.

The Sauce Cookbook Amy Murphy

Sauce is a kind of magic wand or a secret power that helps to turn even the most usual dish into something sophisticate. If you want to learn how to use this magic power - you are welcome to study this cool Sauce Cookbook.

Timpani Family Cookbook by TIMPANI FAMILY

This book was assembled in 2005 to mark the centennial of brothers Giovanni (John) and Giuseppe (Joseph) Timpani’s arrival in the United States from Santa Cristina, Calabria. While the major influences on the family recipes are decidedly Italian, New England and food of the 1950s also left their mark. The recipes that follow aren’t inclusive but a representative sampling of family favorites (as evidenced by the large dessert section).

The Slow Cooker Cookbook

The dishes from slow cooker save the vitamins and other nutritious elements of products. This e-book is a great source of fantastic recipes you can cook using your slowcooker.

The Tuna Cookbook Nishant K. Baxi

Delicious and nutritious tuna is perfect in so many forms and shapes. Explore almost 300 tasty tuna recipes in The Tuna Cookbook and make something yummy every day.

The Rice Cookbook

This huge culinary collection contains almost 1000 recipes that will help you to turn such a simple product like rice into unusual and sophisticated meal.

Special Occasion Ideas

The Turkey Cookbook

Believe it or not, there are over 500 turkey recipes that you haven’t heard about before. The Turkey Cookbook is the very recipe book where you will find unique turkey recipes for Thanksgiving and not only.

212 Hot And Delicious Pizza Recipes Media Ventures

This ebook contains 212 delicious recipes for pizza! Pizza has become an international food since the toppings can be extensively varied to meet local variations in taste. These pizzas consist of the same basic design but include an exceptionally diverse choice of ingredients, such as anchovies, egg, pineapple, grilled lamb, coconut, sauerkraut, eggplant, lamb, couscous, chicken, fish, and shellfish, meats done in ethnic styles such as Moroccan lamb, kebab or even chicken tikka masala, and non-traditional spices such as curry and Thai sweet chili. Pizzas can also be made without meat for vegetarians, and without cheese for vegans. Breakfast pizzas are topped with ingredients such as scrambled eggs. There are so many pizza recipes to choose from!

101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes by Newbies Guide

It’s a fact that food just tastes better outdoors. Now with 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes, even campers who have never cooked anything more complicated than S’mores can make great meals and snacks over the campfire. You no longer need to sacrifice eating well just because you are not in your home kitchen. 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes provides you with 101 delicious, and easy-to-prepare recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that are sure to make you a hit around the campfire.


The ideas, recipes and advice provided in this book are based on best practices and high nutrition standards. They are intended to off er school personnel and volunteers help in interpreting and implementing current West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4321.1, Standards for School Nutrition. While its purpose is serious, Let’s Party is all about having fun. What better way to promote healthy lifestyles than to engage students in challenging games and physical activities and to provide healthy, festive foods in a positive environment!

Fifty-Two Sunday Dinners Elizabeth O. Hiller

This Cook Book is especially designed to meet just that pressing daily need of the housewife. It presents for her guidance a menu for every Sunday dinner in the year; it suggests dishes which are seasonable as well as practical; it tells in a simple, intelligent manner just how these dishes can be made in the most wholesome and economical form; and the recipes have all been especially made for this book and tested by that eminent expert, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller. The title of "52 Sunday Dinners" has been given the book because Sunday dinners as a rule are a little more elaborate than the other dinners of the week, but from these menus may be gleaned helpful hints for daily use.

Kidney Cooking. A Family Recipe Book for Kidney Patients by Georgia Council

A great cookbook, compiled by the Georgia Council on Renal Nutrition. It offers main dishes, sides, desserts, children’s recipes…even items for special occasions!