Baking and Sweets

For those who have a sweet tooth, we collected the greatest recipes of different pastries and desserts.

Delicious Puddings. Collection of 167 Pudding Recipes By Lady Grey

This book is a collection of 167 Puddings Recipes, including Almond puddings, Apple puddings, Bread and fruit pudding, Green pudding, Honey pudding, Herb pudding etc

Recipe Booklet Reverse Side from Fabulous Recipes to Family Favorites – Warm Fresh Bread Whenever You Want It! by Cuisinart

Your new Cuisinart Convection Bread Maker makes it easy – it will make luscious bread from raw ingredients to finished loaf, or prepare enough dough for artisan and specialty breads for baking in a traditional oven.

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes Janet McKenzie Hill, Maria Parloa

First published in 1909, this is a detailed, illustrated recipe book containing two works: Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes by Maria Parloa, and Home Made Candy Recipes by Janet McKenzie Hill. Janet McKenzie Hill (1852-1933) was an American author, she introduced the baked bean sandwich as a "substitute for meatless cooking".

The Banana Cookbook: 545 Recipes Mr. Nishant K. Baxi

Many people love bananas. However, not many know that there are so many different recipes with banana exist. We propose you to discover this magical sweet world of banana cupcakes, pancakes, pies, bread, another delicious banana desserts, and so on.

The Blueberry Cookbook

Blueberries are healthy and delicious, and believe it or not, there are over 280 recipes with this berry. The Blueberry Cookbook is the very recipe book, where you’ll find both traditional and unconditional recipes with blueberries.

The Bread Cookbook

Bread seems to be simple, but did you know that there are at least 1,500 different recipes for bread? No? Well, you can find pretty much all of them in The Bread Cookbook. So why don’t you start exploring all these recipes now?

The Brownies Cookbook

Probably everyone knows how to make brownies, but not many people are aware of the fact that there are many different recipes for this chocolate dessert. The Brownie Cookbook offers over 230 unique brownie recipes that will surely blow your mind.

The Cake Cookbook

The word ‘cake’ is a synonym of happiness to so many people all over the world simply because its sweet taste makes us so happy. The Cake Cookbook offers more than 2,400 cake recipes for all occasions. So why don’t you bake a cake that will make you a little bit happier right now?

The Cherry Cookbook

Cherry is an amazing fruit that can be used in a wide variety of recipes. In The Cherry Cookbook, we suggest you take a look at the 360+ unique recipes, among which you’ll no doubt find something you like.

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes IConsClub

Many people are used to buying candies and chocolate in stores, but do you know that you can make delicious sweets yourself? In The Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes, you will find plenty of sweets recipes for all occasions.

The Chocolate Cookbook Manasa L

Love chocolate? Then this recipe book is surely for you. The Chocolate Cookbook offers over 1,800 unique recipes that will no doubt impress you. So why don’t you explore them now?

The Coffee Cookbook Jade Fox

This recipe book will conquer the hearts of all the coffee lovers out here. The Coffee Cookbook offers more than 280 different recipes with coffee and for coffee. So do not hesitate and explore them now.

The Cookie Cookbook

There are many types of cookies and all of them are awesome. In The Cookie Cookbook, you will learn more than 2,130 cookie recipes from pretty much all the existing ingredients. So why don’t we dive into these recipes together?

The Cranberry Cookbook Alberto Fay

Not many people know how versatile cranberries are. You can add them to both meat and desserts, make different sauces out of them, and experiment in many different ways. In The Cranberry Cookbook, you will find over 500 recipes with this multifunctional berry as well as get to experiment with a variety of meals.

The Cupcake Cookbook Amy Murphy

Everybody with a sweet tooth will confirm that cupcakes are not only cute but also super delicious. In The Cupcake Cookbook, you will find more than 100 cupcake recipes for all tastes. So let’s explore them together.

The French Toast Cookbook Jennifer Rogers

Believe it or not, there are many different ways you can make a French toast. Well, The French Toast Cookbook offers more than 100 unique recipes, among which you will surely find something that you’ll like. So why don’t you start experimenting with different French toast recipes now?