Around The World

Delicious Italian dishes (Collection of 185 Italian recipes)

Mrs W. G. Water. Complied by Amy Taylor

Collection of 185 Italian recipes: Italian Sauces, Modern Italian Sauces, Italian Soups, Italian Minestrone, Beef, Mutton, Veal and Lamb.

Around The World

The Quiche Cookbook Steven Mellory

Quiche is a traditional French tart. We offer you to look through 150 recipes of various quiche options and taste as many delicious tarts as you wish.

The French Cookbook

French cuisine is unique and delicious, so you surely have to try at least a few meals. The French Cookbook offers 270+ French recipes for all occasions, so make sure to try cooking something from this recipe book.

The Beer Cookbook

Believe it or not, beer is not only a drink but also a great ingredient for over 380 delicious recipes. In this cookbook, you will learn how to make Beer Margaritas, Beer Roasted Lime Chicken, Beer Burgers, as well as many other cool things. So let us dive into the amazing beer recipes.

The Artichoke Cookbook Jade Fox

Artichoke sounds fancy and elegant, but not only is this plant sophisticated, but also mind-blowingly delicious. Explore 280+ recipes with artichoke in this cookbook.

65 Tried and True Traditional Amish Recipes by Sven Woodsen

Amish cooking has become ingrained into traditional American cooking. Chances are, growing up your grandmother or your mother prepared a dish or two that was based on a traditional Amish recipe and you didn’t even know it. You just knew that you found it delicious.

Japan’s Tasty Secrets. Local Food That Satisfies The World’s Most Demanding Eaters by MAFF

Japan is packed with delicious dishes. All over the country people are constantly cooking up new ways to satisfy a nation’s hunger for culinary perfection. Hundreds of gourmet treats come and go, some starting out as a local favorite and then sweeping the land.